haha. okay okay. i shall write the first entry in this very own blog of our class. =)
how shall i begin? hmm..
i came into this class 02s15 in the yr 2002 as a retainee. of cos when pple heard that u are a retainee, they normally would tend to have this thinking that 'oh man, this guy here is god damn stupid or wat! nv study hard.' but den it was totally different. the pple in 02s15 were super duper friendly. i got to noe my best buddy first in the class. she is miss sandy goh bee peng. my hong yan zi ji and i'm her lan yan zi ji! the first time i saw her, i thought she was a malay because of her dark skin. bad skin. lol. slowly, i got to noe more pple like yiqi, weijun, cheehao, ignatius, bennett, linda, weixian and so on. we formed a class soccer team back in pjc. bennett, weijun, zhisheng, ben kang and me. sandy as our class motivator planned alot of soccer friendly for our class. but den , we won all. lousy lah. haha. find some better teams mah. as the days passed by, our class became more and more united. our unity somehow made other class jealous and envious. finally, promos came. alot of us managed to scrape thru promos. ben kang and one more girl (forgotten her name) got retained. well well. this is life. we were sad to see dem leave us but den life still have to goes on.
J2 life were not as great as j1. we moved to the new campus at cck and there came a few newcomers into our class. mel, tian, yit hean and minglun. all were nice pple and soon, i started to mingle with dem. 3 yrs already. mel and tian are still my good jie mei. yit hean is my minesweeper shimu! lol.
Basketball was our fav sport of our j2 yr. we played on every friday b4 gp remedial. j2 life was fast. common test, mid yr exam and prelims came very quickly & all were gone in a glimpse. got back our prelim results. some of us were happy. some of us were disappointed. and as for me, as usual, my results were horrible. i started to burn midnight oil everyday and mel was my study companion at the night. we called each other in the night and studied together through the phone. those were the days! A level came and gone in afew weeks. my 13 yrs of wearing uniform were finally over. glad but sad. glad cos finally, i did not need to go school already. sad cos everyone in our class would go separate ways. guys to the army and girls to work. well well. life as i said is lydat. study-work-aged-die! hmm. =) prom night was great! we got ourselves a hotel to put our stuff and to stay for a night after the prom. pauline was the prom queen. hehs. Soon, everyone of us went on our separate ways after prom. 2 yrs of jc life was over.
although, we still keep in contact with each other until now. but life isnt the same anymore. the girls are graduating soon and for us, the guys are ord-ing soon. everyone is going into their new chapters of life. as i said, 2 yrs of jc life as part of 02s15 will always be in my mind, in my heart flowing with my blood. good memories are sweet and one thing i'm sure is that we, 02s15, will always be in one. one for one, all for all.